Loving the Roost (with all its madness)

And thank you for a house full of people I love. Amen
- Ward Elliot Hour

Friday 18 September 2009

Penang, December 2008

On boxing day last year, we packed the kids up in the car and headed North for a short holiday. My eldest sister Sandra and her family were down from Dubai, and we decided to go away together for a few days. We stayed at the Park Royal Resort, ate at the famous Fatty Loh Chicken Rice, made sand castles on the beach and frolicked for hours in the pool...

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Jeshan, the Artist

Have to keep the little fella busy with all sorts of activities or he will turn his room, my room... the house, upside down.

Here he is some time back doing one of his fav things... painting. I have since put the paints away... it is only allowed when he is fully supervised, otherwise the chairs and walls get painted too :)

"Mothers of Little Boys work from son up till son down" - Unknown.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Little Drummer Boy

We always knew Jeshan had rhythm - from the time he could sit up we would notice him moving to the beat of whatever was playing on the CD player or on TV. In church, he always gets excited when the musicians take their place and start to play. As he grew older he expressed his interest in the drums... and would go inspect them after sunday service was over. He just started classes at Kindermuzik last week. It was so much fun to watch him in class... Can't wait till he starts playing the drums in church!

Nobody knows what a boy is worth,
And the world must wait and see;
For every man in a honored place,
Is a boy that used to be.
- Philips Brooks.