Loving the Roost (with all its madness)

And thank you for a house full of people I love. Amen
- Ward Elliot Hour

Sunday 6 December 2009

My Boys

So.... our second son Jeremy Trishan, was born on July 13, 2009. Sometimes I am unnerved by the fact that I have a house full of boys... when I grew up in a house full of girls! Anyway, it has been a learning curve I can tell you that.

Jeshan loves his little brother. As with all children with a new baby in the house, he does get a little rough when playing with the baby, but only because he doesn't know his own strength. You should watch him trying to get Jeremy's attention though... he is just the cutest. He tries immitating us... you know how adults bob their heads up and down when talking to a little baby? Well Jeshan does this, while flashing his brightest smile and talking in a high pitched voice "Hi Jeremy, Hi Jeremy, Hi Jeremy". Jeremy has a special laugh and smile just for Jeshan.

Speaking of smiles, Jeremy is full of it! I've never seen a baby smile so much and for such a sustained period. You just need to talk to him and he will give you a wide toothless grin, while wagging his tongue... as though he too is saying hi.

When Jason's sister Jennifer was here, she would ask him every hour, every day, "Hi Jeremy, you want to eat cendol? Shall we go for ice kacang?" and three month old Jeremy would laugh and smile and kick his legs - sometimes even clasping his hands together in glee.

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