Loving the Roost (with all its madness)

And thank you for a house full of people I love. Amen
- Ward Elliot Hour

Monday 29 October 2007

Ughh... these fellows on motorbikes

It was a drizzly evening yesterday and there I was minding my own business in the safe confines of my car, while waiting for a traffic light to change. Suddenly there was a loud "wham" as though something had hit my car hard and I looked to see a thin motorcyclist clad in a red t-shirt whiz away from the left side of my car. He had just run into my side mirror.

I recovered from the shock of that very loud sound, checked if the mirror could still move up and down when I pressed the control button and watched that fellow zoom away as soon as the traffic light changed.

I was mad enough to want to follow him but decided I should just let it go. Why work myself up, he will be long gone before i reach him.

Unfortunately, I had a guest waiting at home so in my excitement I forgot to check the mirror when I got home and got out of the car.

It was not until this morning that I noticed that the back portion of my side mirror is missing. I cringed and moaned inwardly and the figure of the red clad lad flashed in my head.

Who was he? Where do irresponsible people like him start their journey? No stop to say sorry, no little wave. Not even a care to assess the damage.

So who made him? Why are there people like him? Why? Why? Why? Why do I have to pay for his mistakes?

And there I went, working myself up over a stranger I will never see again.

Really though, who are these boys? And why are they so reckless. They don't care for their lives or the lives of others. He just couldn't care less who he hurt along the way. Why are people so selfish? It all begins at home man... it all begins at home.

The home is supposed to be a safe place for children to be nurtured and given a good start in life. But parents just mess things up and then their children become so messed up and then they go ahead and start their own families - but they are so messed up that they mess up their families too and the cycle just goes on and on and on.

Soon there is a proliferation of messed up people that multiplies with each new generation.

It makes me weep. I weep for all the children who are driven to insanity. Who are tortured, abused, ignored, spoilt and left to fend for themselves. Where will they end up? Who will they turn into?

I wish messed up people wouldn't have children.

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