Loving the Roost (with all its madness)

And thank you for a house full of people I love. Amen
- Ward Elliot Hour

Sunday 4 May 2008

Sugar me timbers!

All my efforts to protect my child from the hazards of sugary food have come to naught. Until he was two years old my son was joyfully oblivious to the wicked lure of chocolates, ice cream, sweets and icing on the cake. I had planned to keep it that way till he was at least three.

I thought I was the master of my child's gastronomical inclinations, until I was confronted with dark agents out there in the guise of aunty's and acca's who had handbags full of candy and cheap chocolates ready to pass out to guileless or hopeful children.

Of course they mean well. They have probably never read the latest research about sugary contributions to ADHD; or that one should not introduce sugar to children till they are about three to ensure a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

Most certainly, they have never encountered such a mum as me who would be so mean as to deprive her child the little pleasures of childhood.

They have probably learnt that sugar is the easiest and fastest to make friends with a kid. Actually when I am feeling a little deranged, like now, I prefer to think of them as people who don't know how to delay instant gratification for later rewards. It is as though they find it troubling that a child has to say no or be deprived of something they themselves are unable to say no to.

"No ice cream for him? Poor thing!" or "You don't give him chocolates? Ayo why la, poor child. Don't deprive him."

But the child does not know what he is being deprived of dear aunty. And it's actually better for him, his teeth, his temperament and his future health if we don't give it to him - didn't you know??

Imagine my disdain when before my child was even one, people were already pushing sweets and chocolates into his tiny palm. Hello... he could choke?

I remember one day, someone whisked him away from me in church and he was returned with a hateful delight in his hand. I almost had a heart attack. What if he had popped the candy - plastic wrapper and all into his mouth? People just don't seem to think before they do anymore. He was just over one year old.

Those were the days, thankfully when he did not know what candy or chocolates were and didn't mind if I took them away and stuffed them in my bag.

Unfortunately, one day, somewhere, behind my back, someone introduced him to a dark, rectangle, sugar sweet cocoa covered treat and gave it a name - CHOCOLATE.

Later he learnt another word that gave me the shivers: LOLIPOP.

Recently, at Christmas, someone pushed a CANDY CANE into his hand. I just wasn't fast enough. All through the church sermon I worried about his poor teeth, as he sucked and sucked for almost an hour. Everytime I tried to pull it away, he would start throwing a tantrum. As the service required some decorum, I had to give in to stop the wailing.

My son used to love wholesome, healthy cakes we baked at home. Now he only eats icing and refuses any manner of cake.

Thanks a lot aunties.

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